Posted 5th February 2016
As the year is rapidly moving along, Yogabeamz has started taking bookings for our Year 6 SATs preparation Program
The Yoga classes will begin the week commencing Monday 21st March 2016.
SATs Tests begin on Monday 9th May 2016
I have successfully taught yoga to year six children in preparation for their SATs tests for nine years.
It teaches children how to stay calm in stressful situations, helping them to achieve their full potential. It has become an integral part of my regular schools SATS preparation program.
If you would like your child to take part and benefit from this program please either contact me direct or pass my details on to your child’s school.
The SATs yoga program that you delivered last year was one of the most successful programs that we have ever run here, and really helped to alleviate pupil panic. The icing on the cake for us was our best SATs results ever.
Carlton Central Junior School