
YogaBeamz classes are available to all ages.
Taught within a variety of environments, schools, nurseries, colleges, universities, leisure centres the workplace and online.
Classes can be taught:
In person,
live stream,
One to one sessions
Pre recorded video links


Research has shown that the regular practice of mindfulness and yoga in school will improve:
Behaviour, Cognitive Skills, IQ, Memory Planning ability,
Attention, Student Interaction.
The ability to control negative feelings and Improved performance activity particularly the right hemisphere.
Resulting in Better grades and a reduction in anxiety.

YogaBeamz classes can be taught in person or online.

  • Yoga Days / Half Days
  • Lunchtime Mindful Yoga
  • After School Mindful Yoga
  • One to One Mindfulness / Yoga
  • Mindfulness in the classroom
  • YogaBursts   (How to incorporate mini yoga breaks into the school day)
  • SATs Mindfulness and Yoga    (In preparation for and during sats)
  • Staff Workshops
  • PPA Cover (Planning, Preparation & Assessment)


To find out more, please download our Yoga in schools information sheet.
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To find out more, please download our Teachers workshops information sheet.
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Yogabursts (Mini Yoga Breaks In the Classroom)

YogaBurst 1 hour Staff Workshop 
A workshop designed to equip teachers with the skills to incorporate short mindful yoga  bursts (mini mindful yoga breaks) into the classroom during the school day.
Including two packs of A5 YogaBurst cards

Mindfulness Course

Practised in the classroom at the pupils desk, tailored to incorporate mindfulness and wellbeing also including a few yoga poses.
Classes range from 20 minutes for KS1 and 30 minutes for KS2
The mindfulness sessions can be taught weekly as a four week course
For a day of Mindfulness sessions as part of a Wellbeing week, please contact for further information

Year 6 Sat's Prep Programme

Year 6 Sats Yoga and Mindfulness Programme
A programme designed specifically to equip pupils to achieve their full potential and remain calm in the run up to and during sats week, including all the materials needed to successfully run the programme within school.

To find out more, please download our year 6 SATs program information sheet.
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Toddlers to 7 Years

The classes are energetic and lots of fun! Mindfulness, yoga, breathing techniques and relaxation is incorporated into movements as we go on magical adventures, capturing the children’s imagination.

Here are some comments from children…

  • “The snake posture helped my tummy ache!”
  • “I love getting fizzy fingers when I touch the singing bowl.”
  • “The lavender bags send me to sleep.”
  • “It’s so much fun!”

To find out more, please download our 2-7 years information sheet.
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8 - 12 Years

Mindfulness and yoga are taught and practiced through fun games, sequences breathing techniques and relaxation 

A typical class includes the following:

  • Yoga postures that improve strength, stamina and flexibility.
  • Balances to improve the ability to focus, concentrate and perform to their full potential at home and in school.
  • Breathing techniques to improve the strength and capacity of the lungs and raise awareness about the way they breathe.
  • Relaxation and mindful techniques to teach the children how to maintain self-control and stay calm in stressful situations, thus improving self-confidence.
  • SATs program to help the children deal with the pressure and stress associated with taking their year six SAT tests.



Teens and Exams

During the teenage years the body undertakes many physical and emotional changes that impact wellbeing. This can lead to physical and emotional imbalances often manifest as rebellious behaviour or mood swings.

The regular practice of mindfulness and yoga can help maintain balance and increase awareness of body and mind. Encouraging self-confidence and a more positive outlook on life.

To find out more, please download our 12-teens information sheet.
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 Exams can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life!

There can be so much pressure placed on achieving good results whether it is at school, college, university, or even in the workplace.
As exam time draws closer the bodies stress reaction can sometimes take hold.

The regular practice of mindfulness and yoga teaches you to be more in tune and aware of your body and mind. Taking time out to allow your body to recharge and focus on the task ahead enables you to deal with stressful situations through breathing techniques and the art of relaxation.



Adult Yoga

No matter what age, it is vital that we take care of our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
This is achieved through Mindful Movement, Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Relaxation.
YogaBeamz classes are available to be taught in:
Leisure Centres
Private Gyms
Medical facilities
Online Streaming






Baby Yoga


Baby Yoga not only helps parents to communicate with their baby and pick up on baby’s cues but there are so many benefits.

Develops body, mind awareness and coordination
Helps alleviate trapped wind and constipation
Helps regulate and strengthen baby’s digestive and respiratory systems.
Simulates the circulatory and nervous systems
Strengthens and tones the muscles
Aids bonding and attachment
Encourage mindfulness.





Pre & Post-Natal Mindfulness & Yoga

Pregnancy can be one of the most challenging and life changing times in a woman’s life.
It can also be the most rewarding.
These mindful yoga classes include breathing exercises, yoga postures, relaxation and meditation to enhance wellbeing during and after pregnancy.
Enhances a healthy sleep pattern
Reduces Nausea
Helps control mood swings
Improves circulation
Relieves Oedema, fluid retention
Helps open the pelvis to ease labour
Provides techniques to relieve pain

Classes are available in person and online


Infant Massage

Infant massage is a way of expressing love, care, and respect through touch. IT will enhance your child’s development while reinforcing a strong bond between parent/caregiver and infant.
Aids the relief of trapped wind, colic and constipation
improves quality of sleep, promotes relaxation and reduces fussiness
Develops body, mind awareness and coordination
Regulates and strengthens the digestive and respiratory system
Stimulates the circulatory and nervous system
Can alleviate the effects of Post Natal-Depression
Promotes lactation in breast feeding mums
Helps parents to communicate with their baby and pick up on baby’s cues




Copyright ©2025 YogaBeamz. All rights reserved.
Website design by Adrian Burns.